July 31, 2011

Kick the Can

Walls up on every side--such is the case with Washington yet once again.  As a country we have moved decisively into political party division.  It no longer is about the issues or the people or the inevitability that we are about to fall off a cliff, it's about which party wins. 

I heard a recent interview on Fox News where a prominent Republican boldly stated that he hoped things would not go smoothly in the debt crisis debates so as to assure that Obama would not be able to be elected to a second term.  He then went further to say he is and will do everything in his power to see that that happens!  How absurd!  How myopic and partisan, that he would risk plunging our economy into further travail and free fall just so he could point blame and destroy the other party.  "Yeah, you messed up and now the world is broken, ha ha we were right".  Only to then realize, "oh the world is broken and now it's too late to fix the damage!" 

I believe Washington is corrupt on both sides of the aisles.  Both hold much blame.  Both are to blame for where we stand as a nation today.  The debt crisis of today was not created by only one party.  Yes we can blame Obama for the latest hemorrhaging of new debt, but every president before him spent and spent.  Each acted like a teenager with a credit card, some more responsibly that the others, but ultimately, everyone spent more than they had to pay it back.  Each raised the debt ceiling multiple times, each expanded programs and agencies and made promises that can't be paid for.  I get sick and tired of the one-sided bantering and attacks.  Each party talks as if they were innocent and all the ills of society are the other parties fault.  Yet when the Republicans had full control of Washington they didn't use their power and influence to fix the problems, they too kicked the can down the road just as the democrats are trying to do on their watch.  The difference is we are getting near the end of the road where an enormous economic cliff is looming. 

How much longer can we keep kicking the can? 

This is the problem:  When news reports, emails or blogs voice extreme opinions and are clearly filled with biased partisanship comments immediately all credibility and debate is lost as rational discussion is inherently impossible.  Throwing out vicious accusation and narrow minded comments will automatically cause a reactionary wall blocking communication and progress.  This happens on both sides.  No one is listening to each other, no one is willing to truly see the other's opinion and compromising is futile.  Whatever the debate, it is not about the issue, it is about what party side your fighting for.  You want your side to win, regardless.

The path we are on as a country looks grim and I am pointing to both sides.  I feel that Obama has made a bigger mess of our country, although it wasn't in very good shape when he inherited it.  I believe that Washington needs to come together and invoke real change.  But I don't expect to see any.  While I think the tea party folks are a bit extremist, they are the only ones really serious about change.  Everyone else is just trying to come up with new ways to kick the can down the road a little farther but make it look like the didn't.

Please click on the link below -- it's a visual representation of our nation's debt and worse what is coming.  It is mind blowing!                 

Please leave a comment--Thanks for listening


  1. While There is much blame to go around on both sides of the isle, the democrats are the ones for decades that are known for wanting more welfare, Medicaid, social security, food stamps, wick, planned parenthood, etc. Even at the 11th hour the democrats are digging their heels to raise the debt ceiling And also wanted to put everything off until AFTER the election! That is a perfect definition of bipartisan and selfishness. It is the republicans that have worked their tails off the past couple weeks with the democrats just saying no and Obama being a literal no show. Please be specific when referring to the tea party as being "radical". The tea party is not ashamed of America, unlike Michelle Obama. It wasn't until her husband was elected that she was proud to be an American. Fool. Is she proud of the predicament we are now in, with her husband tripling the spending in just 2 years? Tea party believes in a guaranteed balanced budget, smaller government, less entitlements. They are the only ones that are not kicking the can down the road. They are courageous for standing firm when the democrats and many of the republicans are caving in. Thank you for your writings and for giving me a chance to share my feelings about the country. Love, Julie

  2. That is such an awesome picture to put into perspective the reality of our debt. I remember thinking when I was younger that every person living in the US should just give a dollar to the government and we would be out of debt. Now I know the reality is 50,000-60,000 per person. That is just crazy!! Makes me sad to think my little ones are already in debt.
    I also think the government should stop spending money they don't have and consider a flat tax for all. Then everyone is technically paying the same based on their income.

  3. Enjoyed your thoughts. I have no opinion on the matter because I am apathetic to anything political because of all the whiplash I've received in the past for having an opinion that is different from anyone elses (or different from ultra conservative republican views), but I can see through that link how out of whack our country is. It's disgusting and scary and makes it difficult to see a light at the end of the tunnel. And I'm not pitting the blame on any one person or party. Ok, now I'll go stick my head back in the sand now. :)

  4. I guess you already know I completely agree with this post since we have discussed these issues at length. I love that you are always so level-headed and know just the right balance between emotion and l logic. I never tire of our long talks and greatly appreciate that you truly listen to me and respect my point of view even if it is different than your own. Basically, you're the grand prize winner of the greatest husband contest! I love.

  5. My solution to the debt problem is a 10% income tax across the board with no loop holes or deductions. Everyone is charged according to their capacities on a equal level. This isn't a land of free handouts, it is a land of free opportunities to work hard and give back to your country.
    Companies would be able to produce and employ more and people would regain their sense of dignity and self worth in themselves and in their country.
    We'd have so much money coming in that we'd get out of debt and still have money to help those who are really in need get back on their feet.

    I also look to the Prophet who gives us hope and guidance. And as long as the Lord reveals His Word I know that no matter what lies ahead the Lord will reveal his plan. It may be through tough times because God will not take away our freeagency but we will, if we continue to be obedient to God's commands and follow the Prophet, we will win. To some this may appear to be like an osterich with his head in the sand but I say you are wrong because it takes work, faith, service to follow the Prophet and obed God's commandments. If more people were God fearing and obedient to His laws we'd have less moral coruption, deception, and dishonesty. We'd have more working and giving their best instead of asking for a handout. The righteous would prevail instead of the wicked. Let us return to being a God serving Country.


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