February 5, 2011

Political Vomit

Sandra and I were discussing the messed up world we live in.  This planet is turning to crap in a hand basket!  Everything is in turmoil.  Virtually every government is corrupt (our being one of them), with leaders who are out of touch with it's citizens and who act out of their own short sighted self-interests, regardless of their long term consequences.  Gone are the blissful days of our childhood where we thought all adults were right and our leaders were fighting for democracy and freedom.  Gone is the cherished facade that our trusted officials had our best interests at heart.  Now all I want to do is vomit when I see and hear the despicable self-serving actions and hidden partisan agendas that are destroying this nation.

President Hinckley's famous prophetic address, "To the Boys and to the Men" said, there is a 'Portent of stormy weather' coming and we need to get our homes in order.  All of our homes are under the roof of an American home.  A home whose foundation is cracking, the walls are failing apart and the roof is collapsing.  Instead of repairing our American home these last many years, our leaders have gone out of their way to cause more damage.  Each year they introduce new failed policies, unwarranted subsidies and handouts, and of course the latest in undeserving bailouts are making our American home more and more unrepairable.

The problems are obvious and they ARE repairable.  The real problem is that no one wants to fix them.  Why not? Because that would take lots of hard work, effort, and of course--sacrifice.  This also is political suicide.  No one wants to vote in somebody that will cut entitlements and eliminate bloated and unsustainable benefits.  Today's culture of instant gratification demands the nicest accommodations with no work to show for it.  They want someone else to sacrifice, someone else to magically correct decades of mismanagement--somebody as long as that somebody is not themselves.  I am truly sickened by the utter lack of unity, commitment and resolve to fix anything.  America IS fixable.  America IS still great, but are leaders are NOT.

Countless times, our leaders have had the opportunity to correct our course and time and time again, they have chosen poorly, selfishly, and immorally.  They have driven our country off a cliff seeking their own political aspirations regardless of the future ramifications.  Each of the President's of my life (especially the last four) have buried this great nation in corruption, polluted or buried the name and purpose of one nation under God, they have encouraged spending and punished thriftiness, they have rewarded thieves and ruined the middle class, they blame the ills of society on corporate greed, while spending money that isn't theirs for things America doesn't need or want, they greedily seek for their own personal political power which once they achieve it they immediately abuse it.  In a sentence they have lost the trust of the American people.

While on the books I am officially a Republican, I am so only because I believe in smaller government and taxes.  But, that really is a joke as seen by (our worst president ever) George W. Bush who expanded government more than almost any other president in history and while he gave us temporary lowered taxes he also spent more than almost any president ever (only our current president may ultimately top him--if allowed).  I am so sick of politics.  So tired of the back and forth banter across the aisle.  The saddest thing is no matter who is in power or control--NOTHING of worth ever gets done!  The point is I often feel like declaring as Joseph Smith did, "which of all the political parties are correct'?  The answer I am sure are 'None of them', they all draw nigh unto freedom with their lips, but their hearts are far from me'!!!

This is not a question of us verses them, this is not a question of being a Democrat or Republican.  This is a question of morals, of doing the right and fair thing.  This is a question of taking responsibility of our country and then being honest with the American people.  It doesn't matter what government party is in place if they are dishonest, corrupt and immoral they will fail America.  Any government system that is run by honest men and women whose allegiance is freedom, equality of opportunity, and integrity is a nation that will be blessed and prospered by God.  That would be a nation whose members will unite behind it, that would be a nation built on the stability of trust.  That trust IS the solid foundation that a stable economy is built upon.  That trust is no longer found in America.

So how do we fix America?  We return to God.  We return to morality.  We return to integrity.  We fix America by electing leaders who are moral and honest.  Leaders who are willing to make sacrifices.  Leaders who we can trust.  Leaders who can make us believe again.  Until then we will continue to drift aimlessly, falsely hoping for some great political savior only to be continually disappointed and disenfranchised as they fail over and over to fix the outer vessel while ignoring the decaying inner vessel of our country.  Such will continue to be the case as this Nation is guided further into the 'portent of stormy weather' ahead of us by our dearly elected 'Blind Guides'.


  1. You NEED to send this in to the SLC Tribune. I IMPLORE you. I too, feel a sense of helplessness in this nation as I watch everything crumble. Such simple things like truth and morals, such fundamentals, are so hard to find. Do they exist in the political forum? Those who do possess these traits are stamped out and unpopular it seems. No trust lies in the government. We are all weary of what our leader's true interests are. Certainly not the people's interest, that's for sure. Frustrating topic, good post Robert. Thank you.

  2. You are such an incredible writer Robert. I love all of our long talks about life, politics, our struggles, religion, our kids, etc. You always know what the right thing to do is. You are the wisest person I know.

  3. Bravo! We need more people like you to speak out and take a stand. You are absolutely right - it begins in the home with integrity, morality, fidelity, spirituality, and work. You are setting a good example for generations to come. When the worlds gone crazy let them know that it is through Jesus Christ and living His commandments that we can find safety and peace.

  4. What a wonderful post, Robert. Maybe you should think about getting involved in local government...

  5. Can I please be a fly on the wall during one of you and Sandra's talks...PLEASE?????? Whoa. I would so love that. You two are a powerhouse, that is for sure. Love hearing your point of view, Robert. I love hearing Sandy's, too, and her blog is one of my all-time favorites. It's great that you've joined the blogworld, too.

    Do you really think George W. is the worst President on record? Like worse than Jimmy Carter? I didn't think that was possible. I'm not saying he was by any means the best, but the worst? Just wondering. :) Jimmy Carter will always be the worst in my books.

  6. I am so excited I get to read your blog now!!! I love the way you express yourself and your passion about certain subjects. You are definitely not a bump on a log. I am so happy and proud to be a part of your life. You are a terrific example to our entire family of being a valiant father and husband.

  7. Really enjoyed your comments Robert. I hate to say it, and I don't know if you will take this as a compliment or a insult, but you sound a lot like Glen Beck in this post!


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