Memorial Day, my parents invited everyone over to their house for a BBQ. After dinner, my brothers David and John set up a croquet tournament in the backyard (a typical Flynn summer event—Ultimate Croquet!). However, this time my sister Christine wanted to play. Christine has severe degenerative Muscular Dystrophy and has all but dropped out of society due to her immobility and subsequent depression. Several months ago the state finally granted her a high end electric wheelchair, thus allowing her options of mobility again. Her debut event was Christian and Madeline’s wedding last October. Now she is going places. It’s quite an endeavor loading/unloading/transporting/setting up the 400+ lb beast, but when we do, Christine is able to travel and participate. Christine hasn’t played croquet for at least 12 or more years. So this was a big deal, that she was able to play with the family again.
We all started playing, David, then me, then my Dad, then Jessica (John’s wife), then my sister Ashley, then Christine and finally John. David and I shot off taking an early lead, till I got stuck on a screwy hill and was surpassed by Dad and Jessica. Ashley, Christine and John continued to trail. I made a few sweet plays and shoot past Jessica and Dad and back up to second place. David gets to the end first goes through the last hoop but misses the poison stick. When attempting to hit the stick he hits it becoming poison but inadvertently his ball continues on goes back through the last hoop instantly killing himself! I cheer and then hit my shot through the last two hoops to get poison only to have my ball ricochet off the stick and rebound back through the hoops also committing suicide! Were both out.
Jessica goes through the last hopes but with Dad on her tail, she strategically elects to not get poison so Dad who will become poison on his next turn can't go after her out (rule that once poison you have to go after other poison players or those the furthest back to prevent just guarding the poison stick). Dad becomes poison. Jessica tentatively plays cat and mouse around my Dad waiting for her chance to get poison when he is a safe distance from her.
Meanwhile, Ashley and John progress towards the final hoops. Regardless of the danger Ashley sets herself up for an opportunity to get poison. Dad goes after Ashley and takes her out of the game. Christine in the far back continues her slow but stead progress through the course, because of her arm strength she gets two hits each turn, but still lags behind. John now tries to get into position but misses the hoops (the story of his game!) trapping himself into a corner. Dad takes him out. Jessica meanwhile becomes poison and the two dual, Dad soon eliminates his only threat--victory is in his grasp, only to discover that Christine has since creeped up on him and now sits in front of the last two hoops!
Dad goes for the final kill, but misses. Christine takes a steady shot and becomes poison. She positions herself on the other side of the hoops trying to block Dad’s ability to strike. Determined to win at all costs Dad attacks again and misses again. His ball is now about five feet away from Christine’s. She has a chance, she aims but doesn’t quite get there. She gets a second shot, she swings her ballot and the earth stands still as the sweet clank of two croquet balls collide—Christine wins the day!!! We all jumped in air screaming and cheering, as Dad drops in defeat into a patio chair pouting his loss. I have never seen Christine more filled with life and joy that I have watching her in that triumphant moment! I know it is just croquet, but this was about much more than croquet--it's about freedom and the ability to live and enjoy life. This was a moment when Christine was able to break the restrictive bands on her body and live again! This will truly be a most memorable Memorial Day—Go Christine—I love you!
Watch the win: